Welcome to my Hammock
Sometimes a girl just needs a place of her own. Whether it’s a comfy chair in a reading nook or a hammock on a tropical beach, everyone needs a place they can go and be themselves. This is my place. Oh sure, it’s just a website on the internet, but let’s just pretend it’s actually a hammock on the beach.
Just like everyone, I seem to have my hands in a lot of different things. Work, business, family, hobbies, adventure – there’s a little bit of everything that makes up the whole. This is the place where all those disconnected parts and pieces come together into a tidy little pile of chaos. Life is messy. Sometimes we just need to do our best to keep things organized and tucked away in the right bin. Let’s see how I do.
What’s this about exploring?
I’m sure you’ve heard of the “One Little Word” project, right? I first heard about it from Ali Edwards about 10 years ago. I’ve been choosing a word for my year ever since. For 2017 I’ve chosen a phrase instead. Explore & Be Present is my guiding phrase this year. I’m experimenting with a few different ventures in my business this year but I also need to remind myself that I shouldn’t be working all the time… so being present is an important part of my goals too.
What’s here anyway?
A blog about normal life stuff. It’s actually a blog that used to be about 3 or 4 different blogs but it was too much work to keep track of them all, so now they are all just one. Now that all those blogs are together, I’ll have a place to add new stuff.
Want to learn more about my business where I help small businesses with their graphic design needs, brand management and marketing strategies? Head over to Tremble Creative Services for more info.
Maybe you remember my Journey to a Healthier Me website from years ago. It’s still around. Feel free to dig in and read about the adventures of losing over 100 pounds.